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Some Changes Coming Soon

Hey everyone, I just wanted to update here about a few things. First, I am going to try to update the blog once a week with what is going on with my writing, the case, and all the other things. I was thinking, but need to ask some of you, about putting some of my writing on the site here, accessible by a small (and it will be very reasonable) membership fee. If anyone is interested in that, please let me know.

Also, I am going to step away from the apps soon, and move onto more traditional publishing. I found a company I will work with and all my future books will be published in PRINT, starting with Mystery Rising. I will be working on that one soon, but not until I am further into the story. Next to come would be the Paranormal investigator story, and even a children's book I wrote for my daughter (I'm using a different pseudonym for that one, so people don't mix them up LOL).

The PocketFM issue is still ongoing, and I am working with my lawyer to get things handled. I do not like the direction it's all going presently, so I am hoping that by working with her, I can get some things fixed. I would LOVE to have all my rights back, but I don't know whether that is possible or not.

Please keep supporting me, I am eternally grateful to all my readers, and I will make sure you all have excellent stories from me for years to come. Thank you all so much for your comments, your encouraging words, and everything else. You all mean so much to me.

Have a fantastic day, and I will update again soon.

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